



South Africa is TALKING! : Signs of our time Images of signs and people at the Johannesburg march against Zuma and corruption - 7 April, 2017. To be clear, I did not march for the DA, I marched in Johannesburg because I’m from Johannesburg. Today was not my first march, but I marched today in guilt and penance for my previous inactivity - I have felt like I didn’t have a say…. That’s a shameful excuse for #Marikana and an uneducated one for #feesmustfall, and, if I were a DA supporter, a delusional one for #Tafelberg. I marched today! Because not saying something is not ok. I marched in solidarity and support, not for any kind of factional or race agenda and not for my own agenda. I marched today in support of our constitution and everything it holds dear, and in solidarity with humans that hold humanity dear... and I marched for those that still feel they don’t have a say. I marched for equal justice, for compassion, empathy, common decency & freedom I marched because #enoughisenough & I marched against Zuma, corruption, state capture and crazy money diverting nuclear schemes. #ZumaMustFall